Northeast Chit Fund

5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month

  • 5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month
5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month
5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month
5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month
5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month
5 Smart Ways To Invest Rs 20000 Every Month

Looking to make the most of your savings by investing Rs 20,000 every month?

We will explore 5 smart ways to invest this amount, including chit funds, mutual funds, stocks and gold.

Discuss the benefits of investing regularly, such as building wealth and achieving financial stability, as well as the risks involved, such as market volatility and inflation.

Learn how to track and monitor your investments and adjust your strategy as your income grows.

Why Should You Invest 20,000 Every Month?

Investing 20000 every month can lead to significant wealth accumulation over time, providing financial security and growth potential. By diversifying your investments across various avenues like Chit Funds, Equity and SIPs, you can secure your financial future and work towards achieving your long-term goals.

With Chit Funds, you can benefit from a collective investment pool, allowing for lower barriers to entry and minimised risk due to shared losses.

Equity investments offer the potential for high returns over the long term, with the opportunity to participate in the success of companies and industries.

SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) enable disciplined investing, averaging out market volatility and utilising the strength of compounding for enhanced returns.

Imagine starting SIPs in your 30s and steadily increasing the amount as your income grows; by the time you reach retirement, the accumulated wealth could provide a comfortable lifestyle and financial freedom.

How To Invest 20,000 Every Month?

Investing 20000 every month involves strategic planning and allocation across various financial instruments. Consider investing in Chit Funds for stable returns, Equity for long-term growth potential, and SIPs in unit trusts for regular investments. Diversifying your portfolio is key to managing risk and maximising returns.

When allocating funds towards Chit Funds, it’s essential to understand the concept of a chit, where a group of individuals pool money to bid for a prize amount every month. This system provides guaranteed returns, making it a relatively safer option.

Equity investments offer the potential for higher returns but come with a higher risk due to market volatility. It’s advisable to research and select companies with strong fundamentals and growth prospects.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly in unit trusts, averaging out the investment cost over time. This disciplined approach aids in avoiding the impact of market fluctuations.

Considering the risk-return profile of each of these investment avenues is crucial. While Chit Funds offer stability, Equity investments have the potential for significant growth, albeit with more volatility. SIPs, on the other hand, provide a balanced approach.

Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio is essential to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Reassessing the allocation periodically and making adjustments based on changing market conditions can help optimise your returns.

Long-term financial planning, coupled with disciplined investing across these diverse instruments, can pave the way for consistent wealth accumulation and financial stability.

Invest in Chit Funds

Investing in Chit Funds can offer a secure and structured approach to saving and investing money. Chit Funds typically pool money from multiple individuals and distribute it through auctions or lotteries at regular intervals. Consider investing in registered chit funds such as Northeast Chit Fund to ensure security for your investments.

One of the major benefits of Chit Funds is their accessibility, making it an inclusive financial option for people from various income levels. Unlike traditional investment avenues that require substantial capital, Chit Funds have relatively low entry barriers, allowing individuals with limited savings to participate. The potential returns from Chit Funds can be lucrative, especially for those who stay invested for the full duration of the scheme.

Diversify Your Investments

Diversifying investments across different asset classes like Equity and Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) is essential to reduce risk and optimise returns. Equity investments offer long-term growth potential, while SIPs provide a disciplined approach to investing regularly.

Equity investments involve buying shares of companies, offering ownership stakes in those businesses. This ownership may lead to capital appreciation as the company grows and profits increase. Many companies share a portion of their profits with shareholders in the form of dividends, providing an additional stream of income. By investing in a diversified portfolio of equities, an investor can benefit from the growth potential of different sectors and companies.

Turning to SIPs, they involve investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, leading to the benefit of rupee cost averaging. This strategy helps investors buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, ultimately averaging out the cost over time. SIPs harness the power of compounding as returns generated are reinvested, resulting in accelerated growth over the long term. These benefits make SIPs an attractive option for retail investors looking to build wealth steadily and consistently.

Start a SIP in Mutual Funds

Starting a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in Investment Trusts is a convenient way to invest fixed amounts regularly. SIPs allow investors to participate in the stock market with small sums of money at regular intervals, reducing the impact of market volatility on investments.

When setting up an SIP, the investor first needs to choose the investment trusts they want to invest in. This selection should align with their financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. Once the funds are selected, the investor determines the fixed amount they wish to invest periodically. This disciplined approach to investing through SIPs not only instils a regular savings habit but also promotes financial discipline. Rupee cost averaging is a key advantage of SIPs, as it enables investors to buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, ultimately reducing the average cost per unit over time.

Invest in Stocks

Investing in shares can offer the potential for high returns but comes with higher risk. Share investments require thorough research, market analysis, and a long-term perspective to navigate market fluctuations and maximise gains.

One crucial step in stock market investing is researching and selecting the right shares. Investors often analyse financial reports, industry trends, and potential growth opportunities to make informed decisions.

Assessing risk tolerance is essential. Understanding how much risk one is comfortable with can help in determining an appropriate investment strategy and asset allocation.

Building a diversified share portfolio is key to managing risk. By spreading investments across different sectors and industries, investors can reduce the impact of a single share’s performance on their overall portfolio.

Invest in Gold

Investing in gold can act as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties. Gold investments are considered a safe haven asset, providing stability to investment portfolios during volatile market conditions.

One of the reasons investors turn to gold is its ability to retain value over time, serving as a reliable store of wealth. During times of political or economic turmoil, the precious metal often increases in value, making it an attractive option for those seeking to safeguard their assets.

Gold serves as a diversification tool within a portfolio, helping to reduce overall risk. By adding gold to an investment mix that includes stocks, bonds and real estate, investors can potentially improve their portfolio’s overall performance and stability.

What Are The Benefits Of Investing  20,000 Every Month?

Investing 20000 every month offers numerous benefits, including wealth accumulation over time, financial stability, and the ability to achieve long-term financial goals. By diversifying investments across Chit Funds, Equity and SIPs, investors can build a robust portfolio and secure their financial future.

Consistently investing a fixed amount monthly not only helps in building a nest egg for the future but also enables individuals to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations. For instance, regular contributions to an Equity Mutual Fund can help in averaging the cost of investments over time, reducing the impact of market downturns. By allocating a portion of the monthly investment towards fixed income instruments like Fixed Deposits or Bonds, investors can ensure a steady stream of income, thus enhancing overall financial security.

Builds Wealth Over Time

Investing 20000 every month can significantly contribute to building wealth over time through the power of compounding and long-term market growth. By investing in Equity and other financial instruments, investors can harness the potential for capital appreciation and income generation.

Regular monthly investments of a substantial amount like 20000 can have a compounding effect, where the returns generated on the initial investment also earn returns, leading to accelerated wealth growth. Over time, the power of compounding can magnify the wealth-building potential, especially when paired with the historical strong returns that equity investments have shown.

Equity investments offer not only the possibility of capital appreciation but also the potential for receiving dividend income, further boosting the overall returns. This strategy not only focuses on wealth creation but also on preserving wealth by spreading risks through diversification and adopting long-term wealth-building strategies.

Provides Financial Stability

Regular investments of 20000 every month can provide financial stability by creating a diversified investment portfolio that can weather market volatility and economic uncertainties. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and Equity investments offer stability and growth potential over the long term.

Consistent investing across various asset classes and vehicles helps to spread risk and minimise the impact of market fluctuations. By diversifying your investments, you lower the risk of putting all your eggs in one basket.

SIPs play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and ensuring regular investments, regardless of market conditions. These periodic investments help you benefit from rupee-cost averaging, which reduces the impact of short-term volatility.

Diversification is key to achieving financial security as it allows you to balance risks and rewards. By investing in different sectors, geographies, and types of assets, you can protect your portfolio from turbulence in specific markets or industries.

Helps to Achieve Financial Goals

Investing 20000 every month can help individuals achieve their financial goals by accumulating wealth, generating passive income, and funding future aspirations. Chit Funds and Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) provide structured and disciplined avenues for goal-oriented investing.

Consistent investments play a pivotal role in the journey towards realising financial aspirations. By committing to a set amount regularly, individuals establish a habit of saving and growing their money over time.

Chit Funds offer a unique approach to pooling resources from a group of individuals with similar financial objectives. Through periodic contributions and rotating withdrawals, members can access funds for various needs.

On the other hand, SIPs enable investors to automate their investment process, ensuring that a fixed amount is invested at regular intervals in chosen mutual funds. This strategy promotes financial discipline and helps in averaging the cost of investments.

What Are The Risks Of Investing  20,000 Every Month?

Whilst investing 20,000 every month can offer substantial benefits, it also comes with inherent risks. Market volatility, inflation, and liquidity issues are key factors that can impact investment returns and financial stability. Understanding and managing these risks is essential for successful long-term investing.

Market fluctuations play a significant role in impacting the value of investments. Sudden changes in market conditions can lead to sharp declines in asset prices, potentially eroding the value of a portfolio. For example, during the financial crisis of 2008, many investors suffered significant losses due to the steep drop in stock prices and housing market collapse.

  • Inflationary pressures pose another risk to investors, as the rising cost of goods and services can diminish the purchasing power of investment returns over time.
  • Liquidity challenges can also arise when investors are unable to quickly sell assets due to limited market demand or restrictions on withdrawals. This can be particularly problematic during periods of economic uncertainty when access to cash is crucial.

To mitigate these risks, diversification is key. By spreading investments across different asset classes, geographic regions, and industries, investors can reduce the impact of market fluctuations on their overall portfolio. Maintaining a well-balanced portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets can help offset the effects of inflation and provide liquidity options in times of need.

Market Volatility

Market volatility poses a significant risk to investments, especially in Equity and unit trusts through SIPs. Fluctuations in share prices and market conditions can impact the value of the investment portfolio, leading to potential losses or reduced returns.

When markets exhibit high levels of volatility, investors may experience heightened levels of uncertainty and anxiety. It becomes challenging to predict the short-term movements of shares and overall market trends.

The past examples of market downturns, such as the 2008 financial crisis, have shown how swiftly share prices can plummet, causing panic among investors. It’s important to note that volatility is a natural part of investing, and embracing it with appropriate strategies can help mitigate its negative effects.


Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, affecting the real returns on investments like Chit Funds. Failing to account for inflation can diminish the growth potential of investment portfolios and reduce the impact of regular contributions.

Considering inflation is crucial for investors seeking to enhance their long-term wealth preservation strategies. By understanding how inflation eats into the value of money, individuals can make informed decisions on where to channel their funds.

Adjusting investment strategies to combat inflation can safeguard against the erosion of returns and help maintain the purchasing power of capital. It is essential to diversify investment portfolios with assets that traditionally outperform inflation rates, such as equities, real estate, and commodities. Investing in inflation-indexed securities can provide a hedge against rising prices, thereby protecting the value of investments over time.

Liquidity Issues

Liquidity issues can arise when investments like SIPs and Equity holdings are not easily convertible to cash without significant losses. Lack of liquidity can hamper investors’ ability to access funds when needed, particularly during emergencies or short-term financial requirements.

When constructing an investment plan, it is crucial to consider the liquidity aspect carefully. Liquidity refers to how quickly and easily an asset can be turned into cash. Having liquid investments ensures that you can swiftly access funds without incurring substantial losses. This is essential for maintaining financial security and portfolio flexibility.

While instruments like SIPs offer a systematic approach to investing, they may lack immediate liquidity, unlike certain equity holdings that can be easily traded. Managing liquidity risks involves strategies such as building emergency funds to cover unexpected expenses and ensuring your investment allocation aligns with your liquidity needs.

How To Track and Monitor Your Investments?

Tracking and monitoring your investments is essential to assess performance, adjust strategies, and make informed decisions. Utilise investment tracking tools, review statements regularly, and stay informed about market trends to optimise your Chit Fund, Equity, and SIP investments.

Investment tracking software can be a game-changer in this process, offering real-time insights into the performance of your financial assets. By analyzing key performance metrics like ROI, asset allocation and volatility, you can pinpoint underperforming assets and take corrective actions.

Setting clear benchmarks for evaluating investment success is crucial. These benchmarks provide a roadmap for measuring progress and ensuring that your portfolio is aligned with your financial goals. Regularly reassessing these benchmarks helps you stay on track and make informed decisions about potential adjustments.

Proactive portfolio management involves actively rebalancing your investments to maintain diversification and manage risk effectively. Conducting regular risk assessments allows you to make strategic changes based on market conditions and your risk tolerance level.

How To Adjust Your Investment Strategy As Your Income Grows?

As your income grows, it’s crucial to revisit and adjust your investment strategy to align with changing financial goals and risk tolerance. Consider reallocating funds across Chit Funds, Equity, and SIPs based on your evolving income levels and investment objectives.

With an increase in income, you may have the opportunity to explore more diverse investment options to spread your risk effectively. Diversification becomes even more critical as you aim to safeguard your wealth while seeking growth.

Adjusting asset allocation is vital as higher income levels can open doors to different investment avenues. You might evaluate a mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate to optimise returns and manage risk in line with your financial situation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are some smart ways to invest Rs 20000 every month?

Some smart ways to invest Rs 20000 every month include: investing in mutual funds, opening a fixed deposit account, investing in blue-chip stocks, investing in a recurring deposit, and investing in real estate.

Is it better to invest a lump sum amount or a fixed amount every month?

It depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Investing a lump sum amount can give larger returns in a shorter period of time, while investing a fixed amount every month can help in building a consistent investment portfolio over time.

What is the advantage of investing in mutual funds?

Investing in mutual funds allows you to diversify your portfolio and minimise risk, as your money is invested in a variety of stocks and bonds. It also provides the opportunity for higher returns compared to traditional savings methods.

How can I invest in blue-chip stocks with Rs 20000 every month?

You can invest in blue-chip stocks through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), where a fixed amount is invested at regular intervals. This allows you to purchase a certain number of shares every month, regardless of the stock price.

What are the benefits of investing in real estate?

Investing in real estate can provide a regular stream of income through rental properties. It also has the potential for capital appreciation, making it a good long-term investment. However, it requires a significant amount of initial capital and carries some risk.

Is it advisable to invest all of my ₹20000 every month or should I keep some for emergency savings?

It is always advisable to have an emergency fund before investing. Make sure you have enough savings to cover unexpected expenses and emergencies before committing to monthly investments. A general rule is to have at least 3-6 months worth of expenses in your emergency fund.

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