Northeast Chit Fund

Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?

  • Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?
Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?
Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?
Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?
Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?
Should You Choose Chit Funds Over Mutual Funds?

Curious about the differences between chit funds and mutual funds?

Wondering which one is a better investment option for you?

This article breaks down the structures, investment processes, returns, and risk levels of both chit funds and mutual funds.

We’ll also explore the advantages of each, from lower investment amounts to professional management.

By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which option aligns best with your risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment horizon.

What Are Chit Funds and Mutual Funds?

Chit Funds and Mutual Funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities. Chit Funds involve a group of individuals who contribute fixed amounts periodically and take turns to receive a lump sum amount, while Mutual Funds are managed by professionals who invest in various financial instruments.

Chit Funds operate on a peer-to-peer model where each member gets a chance to receive the pooled money. This system promotes saving and disciplined investment habits among the members.

On the other hand, Mutual Funds offer the expertise of professional fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of the investors. These managers monitor market trends and adjust the fund’s portfolio to maximise returns.

Both Chit Funds and Mutual Funds provide a convenient way for investors to access diversified portfolios without the need for extensive market knowledge.

What Are The Differences Between Chit Funds and Mutual Funds?

The main differences between Chit Funds and Mutual Funds lie in their structure, investment process, returns, and risk levels. Chit Funds operate as a savings scheme with a predetermined payout cycle, while Mutual Funds focus on market investments managed by financial experts to generate returns for investors.

One key difference is that Chit Funds pool money from a group of individuals and offer a lump sum payout to one member through a monthly auction process, fostering a sense of community savings. On the other hand, Mutual Funds collect funds from various investors to create a diversified portfolio, spreading risk across different assets.


The structure of Chit Funds involves a group of individuals contributing fixed amounts regularly and receiving a lump sum periodically, while Mutual Funds function as investment schemes managed by professionals who pool funds from various investors to invest in diversified portfolios.

Chit Funds traditionally operate in a cyclic manner, with each member taking turns to receive the lump sum, facilitated by a designated organiser or foreman. These funds are based on trust and a mutual understanding among participants who come together for a common financial goal.

On the other hand, Mutual Funds have a more complex structure with fund managers making investment decisions on behalf of the investors. These funds are regulated by governing bodies to ensure transparency, compliance, and investor protection.

Investment Process

The investment process in Chit Funds involves regular contributions by members, with a specific member receiving the collected amount each cycle. In contrast, Mutual Funds follow a process where fund managers invest on behalf of investors in various financial instruments based on the fund’s objectives.

In Chit Funds, members contribute a fixed amount periodically, forming a pool of funds. The collected amount is then awarded to a selected member through a bidding process, providing them with access to a lump sum for their needs or investments.

On the other hand, Mutual Funds operate by pooling investments from multiple investors. This pool of funds is managed by professional fund managers who make strategic investment decisions based on the fund’s objectives and the market conditions.


Returns from Chit Funds are predetermined and distributed amongst members, representing a combination of savings and profit-sharing. On the other hand, Mutual Funds offer returns based on market performance and fund management strategies, potentially yielding higher or lower returns based on market conditions.

Chit Funds operate on a rotational basis, where each member contributes a fixed amount regularly. This fixed amount, known as the ‘chit value’, is decided at the beginning of the cycle. The total pool accumulated from all members is then distributed periodically amongst the members through a bidding process.

Mutual Funds, on the other hand, calculate returns based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund. NAV is the total value of all the assets minus liabilities, divided by the number of units outstanding. Returns in Mutual Funds are subject to market volatility and overall fund performance.

Risk Level

Chit Funds typically involve lower risk levels as they operate within a closed group with predefined payout structures. In comparison, Unit Trusts carry varying risk levels depending on the market conditions, investment choices, and fund objectives, offering diversification benefits but also exposure to market risks.

Chit Funds, being small savings schemes, are mainly susceptible to operational risks and defaults within the group due to lack of regulatory oversight. Conversely, Unit Trusts face market risk, credit risk, and interest rate risk, impacting their returns.

Risk management strategies in Chit Funds involve strict monitoring of payment schedules and group dynamics, whereas Unit Trusts leverage tools such as diversification and active portfolio management to mitigate risks. The risk-return trade-off in Chit Funds offers lower returns but consistent payouts, while Unit Trusts provide potentially higher returns coupled with market fluctuations and volatility.

What Are The Advantages of Chit Funds?

Chit Funds offer advantages such as lower required investment amounts, accessibility without extensive financial knowledge, attractive returns, and flexible payment options, making them suitable for individuals seeking manageable savings and investment opportunities.

What makes Chit Funds particularly appealing to investors is their unique structure that aligns with various risk appetites and financial goals. These funds provide a diversified approach to savings, allowing investors to participate in a pooled fund that offers higher returns than traditional savings accounts.

  1. Furthermore, the flexibility in payment options in Chit Funds sets them apart, enabling investors to contribute periodically as per their convenience, thereby encouraging a disciplined savings habit.

Lower Investment Amount

One key advantage of Chit Funds is the option for lower investment amounts, allowing individuals with limited financial resources to participate in savings and investment schemes that offer potential returns.

By enabling people to start investing with modest sums, Chit Funds democratise the landscape of financial opportunities. They cater to a wide range of investors, from beginners dipping their toes into the investment pool to seasoned individuals diversifying their portfolio. The accessibility of lower investment amounts opens the door for novice investors to kickstart their wealth-building journey without imposing significant financial burdens.

No Need for Financial Knowledge

A significant advantage of Chit Funds is that investors do not require in-depth financial knowledge to participate, as the structure and operations are straightforward, enabling individuals with varying financial literacy levels to engage in savings and investment activities.

This accessibility to Chit Funds makes them highly attractive to a wide range of people, including those who may not have extensive financial expertise.

The simplicity of these investment options offers a user-friendly interface that eliminates the intimidation factor often associated with traditional financial instruments.

This user-friendly nature not only encourages participation but also promotes financial inclusion by welcoming more individuals into the realm of disciplined savings and investment.

Higher Returns

Chit Funds offer the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts, as the collective contributions and profit-sharing mechanisms enhance the overall returns for participants over time, making it an appealing option for individuals seeking better returns on their savings.

One of the key advantages of investing in Chit Funds lies in the yield potential that can be achieved. As the contributions from all members accumulate and are then distributed periodically, the returns generated for each participant can be significantly higher compared to other investment options. This not only allows for wealth accumulation but also enables individuals to benefit from the compounding effect over time.

Flexibility in Payment

Flexibility in payment is a key advantage of Chit Funds, allowing participants to choose convenient contribution schedules and payment options, accommodating varying financial capacities and preferences, making it a versatile and adaptable savings and investment solution.

By offering such diverse payment structures, Chit Funds enable investors to tailor their financial commitments according to their individual needs and goals. This not only enhances the accessibility of the investment platform but also promotes a sense of control and ownership over one’s financial planning.

The ability to customise payment terms fosters a long-term commitment to saving and investing, as participants can gradually increase their contributions over time in line with their evolving financial situations.

What Are The Advantages of Mutual Funds?

Investment Trusts offer advantages such as professional management, diversification benefits, liquidity, and transparency, providing investors with access to expertly managed portfolios, risk mitigation through asset allocation, easy entry/exit options, and clear visibility into fund operations.

One of the key attractions of Investment Trusts is the ability to invest in a diverse range of assets that individual investors might not have access to on their own. This diversification helps spread risks and potentially increases returns. Investment Trusts cater to various risk profiles, offering options for conservative, moderate, and aggressive investors, aligning with different investment objectives and time horizons. This flexibility allows investors to choose funds that suit their financial preferences and goals.

Professional Management

Professional management is a key advantage of Investment Trusts, as experienced fund managers make investment decisions on behalf of investors, leveraging their expertise and market insights to optimise portfolio performance and navigate market fluctuations effectively.

These skilled professionals follow investment strategies tailored to the fund’s objectives, considering factors like risk tolerance, investment horizon, and market conditions. They constantly monitor the markets, conduct in-depth research, and apply their knowledge to select the most promising securities, aiming to generate returns that outperform benchmarks.

The performance of an Investment Trust is rigorously evaluated based on various criteria such as risk-adjusted returns, consistency, and alpha generation. Fund managers’ adept risk management practices play a crucial role in safeguarding investors’ capital and maximising returns over the long term.


Diversification is a significant benefit offered by Investment Trusts, as investors gain exposure to a wide range of securities and asset classes through a single investment, reducing individual risk and enhancing portfolio stability and growth potential.

By spreading investments across various assets, investors can reduce the impact of a single security’s poor performance on the entire portfolio. This risk-reducing benefit is particularly crucial during market fluctuations and economic uncertainties.

The correlation effects within a diversified portfolio also play a vital role. When different asset classes react differently to market conditions, the overall impact is minimised. This is because the performance of one asset can offset the losses of another, thus smoothing out the investment journey.

Diversified portfolios offer a broader array of investment opportunities compared to focused portfolios. Investors can access different industries, regions, and sectors, potentially capturing growth in various market segments.


Liquidity is a key advantage of Unit Trusts, offering investors the flexibility to enter or exit their investments easily based on their financial needs and market conditions, providing immediate access to funds without the constraints of lock-in periods or illiquid assets.

One of the significant benefits of liquidity in Unit Trusts is the ease of buying and selling fund units on most trading days, enabling investors to capitalise on market opportunities promptly. The redemption options in Unit Trusts allow investors to convert assets into cash quickly, catering to emergency financial requirements or capitalising on favourable market movements.

Effective liquidity management strategies implemented by fund managers ensure that fund performance remains robust even during turbulent market conditions. This ability to maintain liquidity levels while generating returns is crucial in attracting and retaining investors who prioritise flexibility and accessibility in their investment portfolios.


Transparency is a significant advantage of Investment Trusts, as fund managers provide detailed information on fund holdings, performance metrics, fees, and expenses to investors, ensuring clarity, accountability, and knowledge-based decision making for participants.

Such transparency in Investment Trusts plays a crucial role in building trust between investors and fund managers, aligning interests, and reducing ambiguity in investment strategies. Disclosure practices ensure that investors have access to up-to-date information on the fund’s assets and liabilities, allowing them to monitor performance and evaluate risks effectively. Due to regulatory requirements, investment trusts are held to strict standards, ensuring compliance with laws and guidelines that protect investor interests.

Which One Is Better: Chit Funds or Mutual Funds?

The choice between Chit Funds and Mutual Funds depends on individual risk tolerance, financial goals, investment horizon, and personal preferences, as each investment option offers unique features, benefits, and risk-return profiles tailored to different investor needs.

When considering Chit Funds, investors who are comfortable with a higher level of unpredictability and ready to accept the uncertainty of returns may find this option attractive.

On the other hand, Mutual Funds provide a more diversified portfolio, offering greater security and a structured approach to investing that suits risk-averse individuals.

For those with long-term financial objectives looking to accumulate wealth steadily, Mutual Funds could be a more suitable choice, whereas Chit Funds might cater to individuals seeking short-term gains with a higher risk appetite.

Risk Tolerance

Investors with higher risk tolerance may prefer Unit Trusts due to the potential for market returns and diversification benefits, while those with lower risk tolerance might opt for Chit Funds, which offer predictable returns and lower market exposure.

It is important for investors to assess their risk tolerance meticulously before deciding between Chit Funds and Unit Trusts. This evaluation plays a crucial role in aligning the investment choice with one’s comfort level regarding potential losses.

Unit Trusts, being subject to market fluctuations, offer the possibility of higher returns but come with associated risks. On the other hand, Chit Funds, with their fixed returns and reduced market exposure, cater to the conservative investors who prioritize stability over high-risk investments.

Financial Goals

Aligning investment choices with financial goals is crucial, with Unit Trusts suitable for long-term growth and wealth accumulation objectives, while Chit Funds may be more appropriate for short-term savings goals or periodic cash requirements based on predictable returns.

When considering long-term growth, Unit Trusts offer diversity through a mix of shares, bonds, and other securities, allowing investors to ride out market fluctuations over time. This aligns well with accumulating wealth steadily over the years by leveraging the capabilities of compounding.

On the other hand, for short-term goals like saving for a holiday or a down payment, Chit Funds provide a structured approach, where a group of individuals pool their resources and take turns receiving lump-sum payouts. This can be beneficial for those looking for a disciplined way to save over a defined period.

Investment Horizon

The investment horizon plays a significant role in determining the suitability of Chit Funds or Mutual Funds, with longer horizons favouring Mutual Funds for capital growth and wealth creation over time, while shorter horizons may find Chit Funds more appealing for periodic returns and liquidity needs.

When considering Chit Funds, the nature of their structure often complements shorter investment horizons, providing investors with a flexible and accessible saving tool. These funds operate on a rotational basis, allowing participants to contribute funds and take periodic withdrawals, making them suitable for meeting short-term financial obligations.

On the other hand, Mutual Funds lend themselves well to longer investment horizons due to their ability to generate compounded returns over time. Investing in Mutual Funds for extended periods can harness the power of compounding, multiplying initial investments and yielding substantial growth.

Personal Preference

Personal preferences such as familiarity with the investment model, comfort with risk exposure, need for financial advice, and liquidity requirements can influence the choice between Chit Funds and Mutual Funds, as individual preferences play a crucial role in determining the most suitable investment option.

In terms of selecting between Chit Funds and Mutual Funds, one’s risk perception is fundamental. While some investors may feel more inclined towards the traditional setup of Chit Funds due to the element of social trust and collective savings, others might opt for the diversification and professional management offered by Mutual Funds.

Comfort in handling investments plays a significant part too, some investors prefer the personalised approach of Chit Funds, where relationships with other members matter, while others appreciate the flexibility and transparency of Mutual Funds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chit funds and mutual funds are both types of financial investment schemes, with chit funds being more traditional and mutual funds being more modern. Chit funds are collective savings schemes where a group of people contribute money to be distributed to members in need. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are professionally managed investment funds that pool money from multiple investors to purchase securities.

The main difference between chit funds and mutual funds is the way in which they operate. Chit funds are based on a rotating savings system, while mutual funds are based on active investment management. Chit funds also have a predetermined payout structure, while mutual funds do not. Additionally, mutual funds offer more flexibility in terms of investment options and time horizon.

Both chit funds and mutual funds come with their own set of risks. Chit funds are not regulated by the government, and there is a risk of fraud or mismanagement by the organizers. On the other hand, mutual funds are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which provides a certain level of security to investors. However, mutual funds are subject to market fluctuations and may not always guarantee returns.

This depends on various factors such as the type of chit fund or mutual fund, the market conditions, and the time horizon of the investment. In general, mutual funds have the potential to offer higher returns as they are actively managed and invest in a diverse range of securities. Chit funds, on the other hand, offer fixed returns based on the predetermined payout structure.

Chit funds are not considered as financial instruments and therefore, do not offer any tax benefits. On the other hand, mutual funds are subject to capital gains tax and may offer tax deductions under certain provisions. It is always advisable to consult a tax expert before investing in any financial instrument to understand the tax implications.

The answer to this question ultimately depends on your personal financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. If you are looking for a traditional savings option with a fixed payout structure, chit funds may be a suitable choice. However, if you are willing to take some risk for potentially higher returns and have a longer investment horizon, mutual funds may be a better option. It is always advisable to do thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decision.

Call us on 040-66333222 to start investing in chit funds.

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