Northeast Chit Fund

Chit Funds Or SIPS?

  • Chit Funds Or SIPS?
Chit Funds Or SIPS?
Chit Funds Or SIPS?
Chit Funds Or SIPS?
Chit Funds Or SIPS?
Chit Funds Or SIPS?

Chit Funds Or SIPs

Curious about the differences between Chit Funds and SIPs? Wondering which investment option is better for you?

In this article, we’ll break down the structure, returns, risks, liquidity, and purpose of both Chit Funds and SIPs. We’ll also discuss the benefits and risks of investing in each, helping you make an informed decision on where to put your money.

If you’re ready to learn more about Chit Funds and SIPs, keep reading to find out which option may be the right choice for you.

What Are Chit Funds?

Chit Funds are a popular investment option in the Indian financial market, regulated under the Chit Fund Act of 1982.

These funds offer a unique way for individuals to pool their resources and receive a lump sum amount periodically, providing them with financial flexibility. The Chit Group functions on a rotational basis, ensuring each member gets their turn to receive the pooled funds. This system not only cultivates a sense of community and trust among the members but also allows for disciplined savings.

What Are SIPs?

SIPs, or Systematic Investment Plans, are a method of investing in mutual funds through regular contributions. This strategy allows investors to participate in the equity market with small amounts at regular intervals, at the risk of market volatility.

Through SIPs, individuals can capitalize on the power of compounding by consistently investing over time. By investing a fixed sum regularly, one can benefit from rupee-cost averaging, where more units are bought during market downturns and fewer units during market upswings. This gradual approach aids in reducing the impact of market fluctuations on the overall investment portfolio.

What Are the Differences Between Chit Funds and SIPs?

Chit Funds and SIPs differ in their structure, operation and risk factors. While Chit Funds involve a collective investment model regulated by the government, SIPs focus on systematic investments in mutual funds to attain long-term capital gains.

One of the key distinctions between Chit Funds and SIPs lies in the way they operate. Chit Funds typically involve a group of individuals pooling their resources to bid for a specific amount, while SIPs allow investors to contribute regularly to mutual funds over a period of time. This fundamental difference impacts the risk profiles associated with these investment vehicles.

Chit Funds may carry a higher level of risk due to the uncertainty of winning bids and potential defaulters, whereas SIPs are considered relatively safer due to diversified investments in mutual funds. However, the registered chit fund companies will not carry the risk of defaulters and the mutual fund is still directly linked to market risks.

Returns generated from Chit Funds and SIPs also vary significantly. Chit Funds may offer higher returns in a shorter timeframe, unlike SIPs that provide steady returns over the long term with a disciplined investment approach.

Structure and Operation

The structure and operation of Chit Funds and SIPs vary significantly. Chit Funds are typically managed by a Government registered Chit Fund company, whereas SIPs are part of the broader mutual fund universe, catering to diverse investment preferences.

Chit Funds operate on a more traditional framework where a group of individuals come together to contribute fixed amounts regularly, with one member receiving the total sum through periodic auctions.

SIPs, on the other hand, embrace a systematic approach where investors commit to regular investments in mutual funds, promoting disciplined savings and long-term wealth creation.

From a regulatory standpoint, Chit Funds in various countries fall under different regulatory bodies to monitor compliance and protect investor interests, ensuring transparency and ethical practices.


Returns from Chit Funds are mainly in the form of dividends or long-term capital gains, dependent on the group’s performance. On the other hand, SIPs yield returns based on the mutual fund units purchased and on the market performance of the units purchased. 

When we delve deeper into the specific nature of returns,

  • Chit Funds operate on a collective investment model where the returns are distributed periodically among the members. This distribution of returns is based on a predetermined structure, often linked to the auction process or a fixed rate of return depending on the agreement.
  • SIPs function within the mutual fund structure, offering returns through a combination of capital appreciation and dividends linked to the performance of the underlying securities.

Risk Factor

Most of the risks associated with chit fund can be eliminated by investing with registered chit fund companies like Northeast Chit Fund Company. Conversely, SIPs are influenced by market volatility and require investor awareness to navigate risks effectively.

SIPs are subject to market fluctuations, affecting the value of investments. Investors must monitor market conditions to make informed decisions and mitigate risks. Changes in the economic environment can impact SIP performance, making diversification crucial for risk management.


Liquidity in Chit Funds is tied to the borrowing aspect among members, regulated under the Chit Fund Act to ensure financial stability. SIPs offer liquidity through the sale of mutual fund units, maintaining investor confidence in a stable market.

Regarding Chit Funds, the borrowing mechanism acts as a central pillar in facilitating liquidity for members participating in the scheme. This process not only ensures a steady flow of funds within the system but also promotes financial inclusivity among the members.

On the other hand, SIPs introduce liquidity by enabling investors to easily redeem their mutual fund units, giving them the flexibility to access their investments whenever needed but at a cost. Both Chit Funds and SIPs operate within well-defined regulatory frameworks, providing investors with the necessary security and confidence in their investment choices.

Purpose and Use

Chit Funds and SIPs serve distinct purposes in the investment landscape. While Chit Funds emphasize group savings and financial assistance, SIPs align with government-approved investment schemes promoting customer satisfaction and long-term wealth creation.

Chit Funds, also known as chitty or chits in some regions, offer participants a unique way to pool their resources for a common goal, enabling members to access funds when needed through a bidding process that rotates among the group members. Conducive to smaller communities and tight-knit groups, Chit Funds foster financial discipline and provide a support system for emergencies.

On the other hand, Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) function as a convenient tool allowing individuals to regularly invest in mutual funds with a predetermined amount at fixed intervals. This structured approach not only inculcates a habit of disciplined saving but also helps mitigate the risk associated with timing the market.

Which Is Better: Chit Funds or SIPs?

Determining the better investment option between Chit Funds and SIPs depends on individual investor interests, risk tolerance, and the desire for secure investments. Evaluating the benefits and risks of each can guide investors towards the most suitable choice.

Chit Funds are known for their collective contribution model where members pool funds, allowing for a chance to win the bid and receive a lump sum amount. On the other hand, SIPs offer a disciplined approach to regular investments, minimizing the impact of market volatility through cost averaging in the longer run.

What Are the Benefits of Investing in Chit Funds?

Investing in Chit Funds offers benefits such as stable returns, capital preservation, and potential tax advantages, making it an attractive option for risk-averse investors seeking secure investments in a stable market environment.

One of the key advantages of Chit Funds is that they provide a unique blend of financial stability and growth opportunities. Unlike traditional savings accounts, chit funds offer a chance for capital growth as the pooled funds are utilized for various investments, potentially resulting in higher returns for the participants. The system of monthly contributions and periodic auctions ensures a disciplined approach towards saving and investing, promoting financial prudence among the participants.

What Are the Benefits of Investing in SIPs?

Investing in SIPs provides small investors with access to mutual funds, offering a secure and disciplined approach to wealth creation. SIPs enable gradual participation in the equity market, fostering long-term financial growth and diversification.

One of the key advantages of SIPs is the convenience they offer to investors. By allowing individuals to invest fixed amounts at regular intervals, SIPs eliminate the need for trying to time the market, reducing the stress and complexity associated with investing. SIPs provide a sense of security as investments are spread out over time, minimizing the risk of large market fluctuations affecting the overall portfolio.

The growth potential of SIPs is substantial. Over the long term, the power of compounding works in favor of investors, enabling their investments to generate significant returns. Small investors can benefit from the growth of the underlying mutual funds, which are managed by professional fund managers, ensuring that their money is actively invested in a diversified portfolio.

What Are the Risks of Investing in Chit Funds?

Investing in Chit Funds carries risks related to group dynamics, regulatory compliance, and interest payment delays. While government registered Chit Funds offer a level of security, investors should be cautious of potential financial pitfalls.

Interest rate fluctuations also play a significant role in Chit Fund investments, affecting the overall returns and profitability. The intricate group dynamics within Chit Fund communities can introduce uncertainties, such as delays in receiving payments or potential conflicts among members.

What Are the Risks of Investing in SIPs?

SIP investments are subject to market risks, equity market volatility, and fluctuating returns. Market-savvy investors must navigate these risks by understanding market dynamics and diversifying their portfolio to mitigate potential losses.

Market volatility can lead to sudden price fluctuations, affecting the performance of SIPs. Even well-researched investments can face unexpected challenges due to external factors beyond an investor’s control.

Investor awareness plays a crucial role in managing risks, as being informed about market trends, economic indicators, and fund performance can help make informed decisions. It’s essential for investors to assess their risk tolerance and investment goals before putting money in SIPs.

How to Choose Between Chit Funds and SIPs?

Selecting between Chit Funds and SIPs entails evaluating the individual investment goals, risk appetite, and preferences of the investor. Understanding the distinct benefits and risk factors associated with each option is crucial for making an informed investment decision.

Chit Funds, often known for their collective investment model where a group of individuals pool their resources to save and borrow money when in need, offer a compelling way to access funds.

On the contrary, SIPs, through their disciplined investing approach, provide a systematic way to invest in mutual funds and benefit from market fluctuations over time.


The decision between investing in Chit Funds and SIPs hinges on the investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Both Chit Funds and SIPs offer unique benefits and risks, serving as valuable financial instruments in the investment landscape.

When choosing between Chit Funds and SIPs, it is crucial to assess your financial objectives to determine which aligns better with your long-term goals and aspirations. Understanding your risk tolerance plays a pivotal role in deciding the most suitable investment avenue.

While Chit Funds may offer the potential for higher returns through a collective investment model, SIPs provide a disciplined approach to investing, ensuring rupee cost averaging and potentially reducing the impact of market volatility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Chit Funds?

Chit Funds are a type of savings and investment scheme commonly found in India, where a group of individuals pool in a certain amount of money and contribute to a fund on a monthly basis. This money is then given out as a lump sum to one member of the group through bidding, and the cycle continues until all members have received their share.

What are SIPs?

SIPs, or Systematic Investment Plans, are a form of mutual fund where investors can make regular contributions at fixed intervals. This allows for disciplined and systematic investment, helping individuals to build a diverse portfolio and achieve their financial goals.

How do Chit Funds and SIPs differ?

Chit Funds and SIPs differ in their structure and purpose. While Chit Funds involve a group of individuals pooling in money to be distributed among themselves, SIPs are a type of mutual fund where individuals invest in a portfolio managed by professional fund managers.

What are the benefits of Chit Funds?

Chit Funds offer several benefits such as higher returns compared to traditional savings schemes, flexibility in contribution and withdrawal, and the potential to win a larger sum of money through bidding.

What are the benefits of SIPs?

SIPs provide the advantage of compounding, where returns on investments are reinvested to generate more returns. They also offer diversification, professional fund management, and the option to start with small investments.

Can one switch from Chit Funds to SIPs or vice versa?

Yes, individuals can switch between Chit Funds and SIPs depending on their financial goals and preferences. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of each option before making a switch. Consulting a financial advisor can also help in making an informed decision.

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